
Monday, May 7, 2007

MetroWize just got a whole lot wizer!

The times definitly are a changin’ here at Metrowize. Not just with our totally revamped newsletter, Wize Guide, but the site itself is improving too with cool new features up the yin yang. Some of the improvements have already launched and there are many more to come. Here's a taste...

Our event listings have been expanded to include more complete information. Rather than simply stating where and when, we’ve included a link to maps and a summary of each event. Check out an example. Coming soon, events are going global! We will be covering the biggest events from around the country as well as local listings in LA, Chicago and New York.

The video section is starting to get pretty hefty (thanks Erik!) so now it includes a search function for tags. Check it out! If you want nightclubs, interviews, or both, then all you have to do is select that tag and see all the videos in that tag category.

Even though this is San Francisco, home to some of the coldest summers ever, we’ve got our sunglasses on. Why? Well, the future is looking bright. We’ve got plans for our archived issues of Wize Guide to be hosted on our site, which means you can leaf through them at whenever you get the urge. You need to be a subscriber to the Wize Guide to get the archives though so make sure to sign up if you haven't already. Coming soon, is the MetroWize music player that will give you a slice of all of the newest and best music that you need to hear.

Contests, contests, contests! This summer we will be giving away tickets to tons of great parties from around the country. There's only one thing you need to do to be eligible to win... get the Wize Guide delivered to your inbox each week and check to see if you are a winner.

We're just getting started so stick around!

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